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  • 5 Reasons Fish Oil Is One of The Best Supplements Money Can Buy

5 Reasons Fish Oil Is One of The Best Supplements Money Can Buy

Fish oil is one of the most well-researched supplements out there, but there are still discussions occurring over the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). Does the supplement improve heart health and weight loss?

What does the evidence say about boosting testosterone via Omega 3?

Or you may be thinking, “I believed that high-fat foods were supposed to be bad for you. So how does a fatty acid have all of these alleged benefits?

Don’t worry my friend, I’m going to sort this whole thing out for you.

Fish Oil Defined

If you don’t know exactly what fish oil is, here’s how it’s defined on Wikipedia,

“Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish. Fish oil contains the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors of certain eicosanoids that are known to reduce inflammation in the body, and have other health benefits.”

1. High Amounts of Healthy Fats are Incredible for Testosterone

Since Omega 3 is a fat source, I wanted to address the misconceptions about fats right off the bat for you.

Not only should you NEVER put yourself on a low-fat diet, but you should probably eat higher amounts of fats than you already are.

Fats play a vital role in healthy hormone function production, and yes, that includes testosterone. Without a sufficient amount of fats in your diet, you will begin to feel castrated, and I am not exaggerating.

As I said previously, fish oil supplements are a type of fatty acid that has particular benefits. One of the things that omega 3 has in common with other fat sources is that it can boost testosterone production.

So, is fish oil good for you in regards to testosterone production? The evidence says yes.

2. Omega 3 Can Improve Cognitive Function.

Physical activity has been shown to improve cognitive function. Vigorous exercise has also demonstrated boosts in the academic achievement of school children.

Plus, Omega 3 serum levels (serum is the part of the blood that is neither red or white blood cells) has been shown to be a predictor of cognitive function in middle-aged adults. The higher the Omega 3 serum levels, the better the brain function in the middle-aged person.

A research team measured cognitive function in relation to Omega 3 levels and physical activity. The researchers found that physical activity boosted mental function via some of the same metabolic processes as fish oil. Therefore, the two things didn’t have a compounding effect.

How is this applicable to you? Well, if you don’t go to the gym all that often, you can reap some of the same mental benefits as if you were training a few times per week.

Is fish oil good for you in regards to brain function? If you engage in rigorous exercise often, not really. If you don’t even lift, then absolutely.

3. Fish Oil Lowers Inflammation Levels.

One of the main reasons that knowledgeable people take Omega 3 supplements is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. What is inflamed you ask? Your cells are.

You have two types of inflammation. Chronic and acute.

  • Chronic Inflammation: you are always in a state of inflammation. Chronic inflammation is associated with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, the list goes on.

  • Acute Inflammation: the kind of inflammation that happens when you sustain an injury. It also happens when you lift weights. Acute inflammation signals the recovery process.

    • You will also not see as much muscle growth if you are chronically inflamed. If you are already inflamed, then the acute inflammation that happens when lifting weights will not register to the body as something that needs to be recovered from.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 serum levels and consumption amount should be at a 1:1 ratio. That is because the two fats have opposing effects on the cells. Omega 6 inflames, and omega 3 undoes the damage.

For a list of foods high in omega 6 click HERE

“What if I don’t work out? Do I still need to be concerned with inflammation?”

Yep! Every time fish oil is consumed, EPA wages war with a molecule named arachidonic acid. The two molecules battle for the right to attach themselves to the enzymes that produce inflammatory agents. If the EPA wins, then the inflammation doesn’t occur.

Brain cells can also become inflamed. With enough EPA in the body, less inflammation of the brain occurs and, therefore, leads to improved neurological function.

4. Fish Oil Can Help You Lose Fat

A study was conducted with 44 subjects ranging in age from 21 – 47. One group was given 4 grams of safflower oil (another healthy source of fats) per day while the other group was given 4 grams of fish oil per day.

The researchers found that there was a significant increase in fat-free mass and fat reduction in the group that consumed the fish oil. There was also a decrease in body fat percentage.

All three of those measurements indicate that not only can fish oil help you lose fat, but it facilitates fat loss while sparing muscle mass. It’s a win-win.

5. Fish Oil Can Lower Your Blood Pressure.

Researchers once again compared the effects of safflower oil and fish oil to see which had better effects on resting blood pressure.

Once again, fish oil won the battle. Fish oil was found to significantly lower blood pressure.

Is lower resting blood pressure a big deal? High blood pressure puts a strain on your heart, increasing your risk of angina, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, heart attack and heart failure.

So, yeah, maintaining a healthy blood pressure is pretty important.

Is fish oil good for your heart health? Unquestionably.

How much should I take?

As you saw in a few of the studies above, the dosage amount was 4 grams. However, this was done in a research setting, and only for a few weeks at a time. One thing that must be considered is safety (you don’t want to get mercury poisoning).

I suggest that you stay between the label’s recommended dose and 3 grams.

Coach Ty recommends the following fish oil supplement. You can either click here or the image below: