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  • 9 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Lifting

9 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Lifting

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  1. You’re most likely not going to overtrain. The human body is very resilient and capable of incredible feats of endurance and strength. Lifting weights an hour a day seven days a week won’t come close to pushing you to a point of overtraining.

  2. Frequency is your best friend. Training a muscle more often with fewer sets instead of annihilating the muscle once a week is better for muscle growth. It also seems to be better for both strength gain and body fat loss.

  3. The biggest guy at the gym is not the most knowledgeable. Nor is the most ripped girl on Instagram. Think about it this way, would you take money advice from ANYONE who is rich? Of course not. Why? Because they might have gotten rich via nefarious means. Or maybe they got their money from their parents. We’ve all met a spoiled rich kid. Similar thing with fitness. Some people have great genetics. Some people use steroids. Always keep a healthy dose of scepticism.

  4. I wish that I understood exercise selection better. I could have saved myself a lot of time wasted trying out exercises that looked cool but were inferior to the basic exercises I always ended up returning to.

  5. I wish I knew how to find scientific evidence. It would’ve saved me a ton of money on supplements. Helped my program design. Helped me see what was truly worth my focus and what wasn’t.

  6. I wish I knew that eating healthy fats was SO beneficial from a muscle building perspective. Healthy fats correlate with hormone production. More fats = more testosterone. More testosterone = more muscle. Also, if you struggle to gain weight like I did, then fats are your best friend. One gram of fat has over double the amount of calories as a gram of protein and carbs.

  7. I wish I knew that I didn’t need a ton of protein to build muscle. The available research suggests 1.8 g/kg of bodyweight. The standard gram per pound or 2.2 grams per kilogram is generally a bit much. It isn’t bad to consume more protein, but the amount of muscle

  8. I wish I knew about blood flow restriction. It would have helped me continue to make progress without putting so much wear and tear on my joints.

  9. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time on foam rolling and just tried to get stronger. Foam rolling doesn’t really work for adding range of motion. And doesn’t work for aiding injuries.

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