Essential Tips for Women

3 Biggest Mistakes Ladies Make In the Gym

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It’s time to dive into a topic that’s crucial yet often overlooked: the common mistakes women make in the gym and how to rectify them. This time, we’re focusing exclusively on our ladies’ fitness journey. Let’s break down these barriers and redefine our workouts for maximum effectiveness.

Mistake #1: Avoiding Weightlifting Many women stick to the cardio section, believing that’s the best way to lose body fat and tone up. However, weightlifting is superior in promoting body fat loss, even more so than combining weights with cardio. Embracing weightlifting can lead to significant progress in your fitness goals without the fear of losing femininity.

Addressing Concerns About Getting Bulky Getting “too bulky” from lifting weights is not something women should worry about. Some men spend YEARS doing everything in their power to build muscle, and they still don’t look like bodybuilders.

Fearing muscle gain from weightlifting is like avoiding basketball for fear of accidentally making it to the NBA. The focus should be on effort and progress.

Mistake #2: Training Like Men While exercise selection is the same across genders, women and men should approach their training differently. Women can often handle more volume in their workouts due to having more slow-twitch muscle fibers and estrogen being muscle-sparing.

  • Always train 10+ reps for maximizing muscle growth.

  • You can handle more sets per week than a man. For leg training:

    • Quads: 12-20 sets per week

    • Hamstrings: 9-12 sets per week

    • Glutes: 12-16 sets per week

Mistake #3: Not Adjusting Your Training to Your Menstrual Cycle An often-overlooked aspect of women’s fitness is the impact of the menstrual cycle on training. Research suggests tailoring your workout intensity and type to different phases of your cycle can enhance muscle strength and body composition.

Focus on strength training during the follicular phase and higher volume, cut-based workouts during the luteal phase can leverage hormonal fluctuations for maximum benefit.

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