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Simplifying Weight Loss: Your 3-Day Guide to Success

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Have you ever struggled with losing weight? You're not alone—it's a huge challenge! With conflicting advice from influencers and limited guidance from doctors, it can feel overwhelming. But don't worry—I’ve got you covered.

Over the next three emails, I'm going to simplify weight loss for you. We'll cut through the noise and give you the knowledge you need to finally make the progress you’ve been wanting for months, if not years.

Last week, we talked about creating habits to stick to your diet and gym routine. Now, it’s time to get more specific.

The Most Important Concept: Calories In vs. Calories Out

The foundation of weight loss is simple: calories in versus calories out. Yes, macros, exercise, and other factors matter, but this is the key. Here’s how it works:

Every day, your body uses a certain number of calories just to keep going—this includes everything from organ function to digestion, plus any physical activity. This is known as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE).

On the flip side, the calories you consume come from the food, snacks, and drinks you have each day.

Quick Tip: Forget About Weight Loss

Before we dive deeper, here’s a pro tip: stop thinking about "weight loss." If you’re lifting weights (which you should be, even if your goal is to lose fat), the number on the scale won’t tell the full story. Muscle gain can offset fat loss, making it seem like you're not making progress. Instead, focus on losing body fat, not weight.

How to Ensure Fat Loss

Calories in vs. calories out means that if you consume more calories than you burn, you’ll gain weight. To lose body fat, you need to burn more calories than you eat. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Know Your Baseline: Use the calculator on MuscleWiki to figure out how many calories you’re burning daily, including any physical activity.

  2. Track Your Intake: Count the calories you consume each day—make sure it’s less than your expenditure. There are apps that can help, or you can do it manually.

4-Step Process to Counting Calories:

  1. Get a food scale.

  2. Check the nutrition facts on your food packaging.

  3. Weigh your food based on the serving size and calculate the calories.

  4. Track your daily intake to ensure you don’t exceed your calorie burn.

This process isn’t mandatory, but it’s the best way to guarantee fat loss. Cleaning up your diet and adding resistance training might be enough for some, but if you want to be certain, getting specific is the way to go.

That’s all for today! Be sure to check your inbox on Wednesday when I’ll be sharing how to train for body fat loss in the gym—it’s not what you think.

See you then!

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